
Industrial Wipes - Hznonwoven

Hard working is the image that comes to mind when industrial wiping tasks are identified. Hard working is also the image projected by industrial wipes producers and marketers. Now, it appears their time has come to move, if not into the spotlight, at least into the mainstream of nonwovens applications.


See what industrial wipes hznonwoven can provide for the customers:

— Shop towels, including automotive, solvent, oil, grease and water cleanup items

— Janitorial wipers for general cleaning, glass cleaning, dusting

— Specialty wipes for abrasion resistance and polishing

— Spill cleanup and emergency wipers

— Hand cleaners to remove solvents, grease and contaminants

— Hand wipes with additives to lotionize and more

— Surface and sanitizing cleaners for general and task-specific uses

— Geotextiles for agricultural, road bed and construction uses

— Light, medium and heavy duty task wipers

— High-tech and critical task wipes

— Low linting, precision and delicate task wipes

— Parts cleaning and preparation wipes

— Instrument and lens cleaners

— Corrosion removal, paint removal, removing weld marks