See what industrial wipes hznonwoven can provide for the customers:— Shop towels, including automotive, solvent, oil, grease and water cleanup items
— Janitorial wipers for general cleaning, glass cleaning, dusting
— Specialty wipes for abrasion resistance and polishing
— Spill cleanup and emergency wipers
— Hand cleaners to remove solvents, grease and contaminants
— Hand wipes with additives to lotionize and more
— Surface and sanitizing cleaners for general and task-specific uses
— Geotextiles for agricultural, road bed and construction uses
— Light, medium and heavy duty task wipers
— High-tech and critical task wipes
— Low linting, precision and delicate task wipes
— Parts cleaning and preparation wipes
— Instrument and lens cleaners
— Corrosion removal, paint removal, removing weld marks